Corona Update #2

***Update Coronavirus***

Dear members,

Following the recent updates by the government and the UvA on the coronavirus, we have decided to close the VSPA room until at least the 6th of April. As a JoHo member, you can find your summaries online. Furthermore, all events will be cancelled until at least the 6th of April. We are working hard to reschedule these events.

We will always be available for questions via our usual channels. We would also like to ask our members to follow the national guidelines and take responsibility in this crisis.

Lots of love and hopefully see you soon,
Céline, Lynn, Eli, Nina, Malou and David

Corona Update


Dear members,

Following the statement from the UvA to cancel all events up and until the 31th of March, regardless of the location, we have to cancel the upcoming events in March. These will be:
– The Friday Afternoon Borrel on the 13th of March;
– The GMA on the 17th of March;
– The Workshop on the 18th of March;
– The Committee Evening on the 27th of March;
– The Jeu de Boule event on the 31st of March.
We are working very hard to try to reschedule these events, and will keep you updated. If you already bought a ticket for the event, you will get a refund. You can expect the refund within a week.

Furthermore, all committee meetings will be canceled for the remainder of the month. Your CAO will get in touch with the chair of the committee.

Moreover, we will change the opening hours of the VSPA room this week. For now, we will open the VSPA room to sell summaries on:
Wednesday the 18th of March from 13:00-15:00
Friday the 20th of March from 13:00-15:00
We would also like to ask our members to follow the national guidelines.

These are the measures we are taking right now. Since there is a possibility that the situation changes, we would have to change our policy as well. We will keep a close eye on the developments and keep you informed through our usual channels. Don’t stress too much. We as young people are not that much at risk, we want to prevent the further spread of the virus to keep the pressure on healthcare as low as possible. ??‍⚕️??‍⚕️

Lots of love ?,
Céline, Lynn, Eli, Nina, Malou and David
Board 2019/2020


Borrel Thursday 21 November – VSPApp


This Thursday is borreltime again! The theme is Proud to be Fout x VSPApp. For outfit ideas, see the Facebook page. Let’s celebrate that you finished your exams at the Heeren van Aemstel. Also, if you show us this news message at the Borrel, you’ll get a beer for only €1,-!!!!!

See you there!

XXXX The Borrel Committee

Graduation Party on Friday the 8th!

Hi guys!

This Friday it’s time for the Graduation Party, to celebrate that you completed your propaedeutic year, your bachelor or researchmaster!!! ??‍? ✨

However, everyone is welcome! So bring your friends, family and other people that want to come. You can buy your tickets here.

What: Graduation Party
When: November 8th at 20:00
Who: Everyone who graduated + supporters
Price: €8,50 (includes a drink)



Vrijdag is het tijd voor de Graduation Party, om te vieren dat je je propedeuse, je bachelor of researchmaster hebt gehaald!! ??‍? ✨

Maar, iedereen is welkom! Dus breng je vrienden, familie en andere mensen die willen komen. Je kunt hier je kaarten kopen.

Wat: Graduation Party
Wanneer: 8 november om 20:00
Wie: Iedereen die geslaagd is + support
Prijs: €8,50 (inclusief een drankje)


**Dutch follows English**

Hi guys! There are a few spots left for the city trip to Ghent. We will leave on the 25th of October, right after the first year’s exams. We will go by bus to our neighbors Belgium, Ghent. There, we will go sightseeing, do a boat tour, visit a castle, drink beer AND go clubbing with all your VSPA friends! We’ll arrive back in Amsterdam on Sunday the 27th of October. Don’t hesitate, and join us for this unforgettable city trip. You can buy your tickets here:

In short:

What: A weekend get-a-way
When: 25th, 26th and 27th of October
Where: Ghent, Belgium
How much?: €80,95


Heee peeps! Er zijn nog een paar plekjes vrij voor de city trip naar Gent. We zullen op vrijdag 25 oktober vertrekken, vlak na de eerstejaars tentamens. We zullen reizen met de bus naar onze onderburen België, Gent. Daar zullen we de stad bekijken, een boot tour doen, een kasteel bezoeken, bier drinken EN uitgaan met al je VSPA vrienden! We zullen weer terugkomen in Amsterdam op zondag 27 oktober. Dus wacht niet, en koop nu je kaartje voor deze onvergetelijke city trip. Hier kun je je kaartjes kopen:

In het kort:

Wat: Een weekendje weg met je vrienden
Wanneer: 25, 26, 27 Oktober
Waar: Gent, België
Hoeveel?: €80,95

Let’s introduce ourselves!

Hello everybody,

We’re the board of the VSPA, and we want to introduce ourselves!

The girl on the left is Malou. She will be the Study Committee Affairs Officer of this years’ board. This means that she will be in charge of guiding all study related committees, such as the lecture committee, career committee, conference committee et cetera. If you have questions regarding study related committees, send an email to or come by the VSPA room to ask for more information!

The girl next to Malou is Lynn. Lynn is the secretary of this years’ board. This means she will be the one answering your emails, replying to your Facebook questions and booking your rooms for the committee meetings. Furthermore, she is always in a for a cup of coffee or a good talk!

The boy above Lynn is David. David is the officer of Sales and Acquisition of this years’ board. He will be making them money dealz for the association. Furthermore, he is the one responsible for providing you all the summaries and exam trainings! Moreover, David is always in for a talk and he is very excited to meet you all :).

The boy next to David is Eli. Eli is our treasurer which means he is in charge of all the moneyz within the association. He will be the one giving your money back if you’ve bought something for the VSPA. He is a very enthusiastic boy which means every conversation with him will be very fun!

The girl below Eli is Céline. Céline is the chair of this years’ board. This means that she leads our board meetings and makes sure the other board members are on track with their plannings. Furthermore, she is always in for a nice talk or borrel. :)

The girl on the right is Nina. Nina is the Social Committee Affairs Officer of this years’ board. This means that she will be in charge of guiding all social committees, such as the party committee, borrel committee, prom/dinner committee, city trip committee et cetera. If you have any questions regarding social committees, send an email to or come by the VSPA room to ask for more information!

Above all, we are there for you! If you have any questions about your studies, events or joining committees, please ask us! You can always send a general email to, or just come by the VSPA room for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat.


Your board of 2019-2020.



** This event only applies to Dutch students **
Tegenwoordig is bijna wekelijks in de krant te lezen hoe grote organisaties hun informatieveiligheid niet op orde hebben. Is het echt zo moeilijk om je te weren tegen hackers? En is het dan zo
gemakkelijk om iemand te hacken? Helaas is het antwoord op beide vragen vaak ‘ja’. Gelukkig geldt ook hier het aloude cliché: begin bij jezelf. Wat is de beste manier om je te wapenen? Door in ieder geval te weten hoe je gehackt kunt worden!
In deze workshop gegeven door Calco, gespecialiseerd in het opleiden, detacheren en coachen van startende én ervaren IT-professionals, leer je hoe hackers te werk gaan. Zo leer je onder anderen hoe je phishing mails stuurt, inbreekt op een WiFi-netwerk en een Android telefoon hackt. Je leert begrijpen hoe een hacker te werk gaat en waar zich kwetsbaarheden voordoen. Het uiteindelijke doel is leren hoe je hacks kunt vermijden en bij je (toekomstige) werkgever kwetsbaarheden kunt spotten.
Voorafgaand zal er ook een bedrijfspresentatie zijn waarin Calco zal presenteren wie ze zijn, wat ze doen en ook wat ze voor jou kunnen betekenen!
Meld je nu aan bij


Do you want to be up to date with everything that the VSPA does and never miss a thing?

If you use Google Calendar can click on the link below to import everything we do to your personal agenda, you can turn it on and off whenever you want!

Things like the study rooms, the borrels, the letures and the registrations for trips are all in this Calendar.





*English follows Dutch*

Dag lieve leden,

Velen van jullie zal het waarschijnlijk niet ontgaan zijn, maar voor de mensen die er niet van op de hoogte zijn, is de nieuwe nieuwsbrief er weer uit! Lees alles over goede restaurant, liefde in de psychologie en een verrassing voor alle goed georganiseerde leden of leden die zichzelf beter willen organiseren.

Kan je hem niet vinden in je mail of vind je het makkelijker via deze weg dan staat hieronder de link om de nieuwsbrief te bekijken:


Hello dear member,

A lot of you probably already know it, but for the people who have not seen it, hereby we would like to announce that the newsletter has been sent! Read all about nice restaurants, love in psychological fact and a surprise for all the neatly organized member or members who want to step their organize game up.

If you can’t find the email or it is easier to find it this way, we have the link to see the newsletter here: