Weekend Getaway!

We’re getting closer to one of the best weekends that the VSPA organizes- the Weekend Getaway! ????
Like every year, we will be spending this weekend in Bakkeveen on a farm in May (20th-22nd) when the weather is lovely. The weekend will be packed with all sorts of sports (volleyball, badminton, football), games, A LOT of tostis and beer, one party, and a ton of fun!! The ticket price depends on if you’re an active member or not and how many GMAs you have attended, and it ranges from €30-€60. This ticket price includes ALL expenses, including transportation, food, drinks etc.
If you want to chill with your friends for a few days away from the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam, then this weekend is perfect for you! Don’t forget to add it to your calendars ;)
Registration for the Weekend Getaway starts TODAY, you can sign up using the Google Form in the linktree. Be sure to register ASAP since there are limited spots! The deadline to do so is the 19th of May.


LINK to register : https://forms.gle/m3hnAgAhCRJcuaor7

We really hope to see you there!