
Queer Clips & Drinks @ Brug34

The Queer Committee is proud to celebrate Pride month and invites you to another event showcasing queer-expression!

Founded last year, the Queer Committee and separate Instagram ( has been committed to supporting all psychology students at the UvA and bringing together members of the LGBT+ Community in fun events.

Last year, the main event in june showcased in collaboration with He x SheUvA queer-art at Bar Bario. Inspired by this, the QuComm of this year is hosting a film festival at Brug34, with member-submitted clips and short films about the struggles but also the joys of being queer. Afterwards, there will be a Borrel and snacks, for networking and getting to know new people!

Come join us on Monday, June 5th at Brug34, from 19:00 onwards, we will have a walk-in period, with free drinks and free snacks for the first joiners. We will then be screening the various films and clips, and concluding with a borrel!

We hope to see you there!

Ticket sale avaliable here

Movie Night: Kinsey – 23rd May

Let’s talk about sex! Get comfy and join us with snacks and drinks to watch the movie ‘Kinsey’ – a biographical movie about the man who pioneered the field of sexology.

Follow the story of Alfred Charles Kinsey and learn how he scientifically addressed and investigated sexual behaviour in humans. See how his 1948 publication “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” shocked the world as one of the first recorded works that saw science address sexual behaviour. Earn a colloquium point with your attendance!

This movie stars Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, and Chris O’Donnell and was nominated for 3 Golden Globes.

Practical Information:
Room: A0.01
Time: 17:00-19:00
1 colloquiumpunt
Snacks and drinks are included but more are welcome!



For Members

For Non-Members


Queer Movie Screening