Speak Your Sh*t!

Hi everyone,
The Queer Committee is excited to put out tickets for their event, Speak Your Sh*t. This will be an exhibition centred around self-expression talking about themes such as inner conflicts, identity, love and body image. We’re pleased to say that we have a lot of submissions and that we will be able to make a nice collection out of them. The event will be held at Bar Bario, which is a bar that aims to be a LGBTQ+ and POC friendly place. Apart from the exhibition, we will have some games and a few rounds of speed dating. Everyone will also get a free beer! We really hope to see you there :)
We are proud to announce that this event will be in collaboration with HeForShe X UvA: https://www.instagram.com/heforshexuva/
WHAT: Exhibition centred around self-expression
WHERE: Bar Bario, Bilderdijkstraat
WHEN: June 22nd, 20.00-12.00

VSPA Voluntinder

A Volunteer matching fair where students from the UvA get a chance to meet and interact with various NGOs from all around Amsterdam. Students can get a chance to introduce themselves to the beautiful world of volunteering opportunities by meeting representatives from various NGOs and learning about their work and projects. The organizations offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities ranging from one day to several weeks, all working in various fields such as theatre, food, education, elder care and more!

Day:  21/06/2022

Hour: 17:00-19:00

Where: REC ABC Enterance Hall

Price: FREE