General Members Assembly

On Tuesday the 2nd of November at 17:00, one of the most important meetings of the year will be held on the Roeterseiland Campus. You, meaning all members of the VSPA, will have the opportunity to hear about all the plans that this year’s board has made for the year. Also you will be able to ask questions, discuss them and vote on them to give the board your approval. Whatever gets voted on the GMA, the Board has to follow, meaning you as the members have the final say in every decision.
Next to that we will have dinner together and the GMA committee will supply you with free beers and snacks to make this meeting as informal and casual as possible.
The meeting will probably last until 21:00 and we will have drinks afterwards in a café nearby. We hope to see you there and can’t wait to officially kick off the year.
Come and support your board!
81st VSPA Board

Lecture: The Sense of Humor

This lecture will be about the sense of humor! Sibe Doosje will come to the UvA to tell us about humor in people with autism, comedians, the importance of humor and much more!!!  In addition, get one Colloquium Point !!!

“In order to have a good life people need to satisfy a number of basic needs like food, safety and shelter. But how does a sense of humor fit in this pyramid of needs? Is it essential for survival, nice to have or expendable? In this interactive lecture you will find out more about the study of humor as a part of positive psychology. Laughter, functions of a sense of humor and its effects on physical, mental and social health will be highlighted in a state of the art overview. Johan Cruyff, comedians and a sense of humor in people with autism will also be part of the lecture, which will be spiced up with many humor examples and exercises to let you get the hang of it.”

Hope to see you all there!!!! ❤️


When : Monday 15:00-17:00

When: Roeterseiland Campus REC A0.05

Price: 2,00 Euro