Master Thesis Presentation – June 19th

The VSPA is proud to announce a new type of event, in collaboration with the Department of Psychology – the first-ever MASTER THESIS EXTRAVAGANZA! This event is designed to support the Master’s students of the various programmes within the Psychology Department by giving them a platform to promote and raise awareness of their research! We are also supporting our members in their bachelor’s by allowing a Masters Colloquiums to be attained during this event.

The idea came up after seeing the crowding of Master Presentations in the G-Building, and after approaching a few Master’s students. Then after a few meetings between Master’s students, the Department and the VSPA, the MTE was born! We hope to provide members and non-members with the opportunity to network and exchange ideas from a vertical perspective of Master to Bachelor’s, as well as showcase the hard work Master’s students put into their Thesis. During the break, we hope to allow students to network and

What: Master Thesis Extravaganza
When: June 19th, 17:00
Where: REC ABC | (limited) online Streaming available
Price: 2,50EUR for members | 3,00EUR for non-members