
Every area has loads of nice and good restaurants. That is why the different restaurants are described depending on the area you are in. Making a reservation is recommended.

Restaurants in Amsterdam West:

Amsterdam West has many diverse restaurants and bars. Click here for a list of 48 amazing restaurants in Amsterdam West.

Restaurants in Amsterdam East:

Amsterdam East is also a very diverse area with lots of nice restaurants and bars. Here is a list of 35 diverse restaurants in Amsterdam East.

Restaurants in De Pijp:

De Pijp is a very popular area amongst tourists as well. It is way more touristy than Amsterdam West or East for example. However, it has many nice restaurants. You can find a list of 23 restaurants here.

Restaurants Amsterdam North:

To go to Amsterdam North, you have to take the ferry. There are a few ferries to different areas of Amsterdam North, so make sure you take the right one to go to the restaurant. You can find a few here.

Restaurants Amsterdam Centre:

Finding nice restaurants in the city centre is quite hard since this is the most touristic area of Amsterdam and therefore very focused on tourism. However, there are very nice restaurants here as well, you just have to look a bit harder. To make it easy for you, here is a list of restaurants in Amsterdam City Centre.

Different kitchens

Amsterdam is a very diverse city and therefore has a diverse range of kitchens. Every kitchen links to a website with a list of restaurants with that kitchen.